The Pin Wreck

ImageThis unidentified wreck out of Kimmeridge was  discovered in 1990. Divers have named it the "pin wreck" due to the large pins holding the copper hull to the wooden frame.

UPDATE: The wreck has now been identified as a Naval Mooring Lighter from 1903, check the BBC Report.

The anchor standing upright to one end is of a mid 1800s design, so the wreck is thought to be post-1850.

The wreck itself is upright on a sandy seabed at 30m, which gives pretty good visibility. She is a very interesting wreck, yet very confusing. A set of machinery midships - a vertical capstan and associated cogs and worm gears plus a steam boiler and water tanks - but no sign of propulsion. This has suggested some sort of work barge, which along with stories of a recovered military button and single diving boot have further confused wreck identification.

Aeolian Sky (‘The Sky’)

Alex Van Opstal (‘The Alex’)

Bennendijk, SS (‘The Benny’)

Betsy Anna (‘The Betsy’)

Black Hawk

Boxer, HMS

British Inventor

Ceres, SS

Countess of Erne, The

Eleanor / Elena R


Fleur de Lys (‘The Fleur’)

James Fennell, HMAT

Kimmeridge Reef

Luis, The

M2 (Submarine), HMS

Margaret Smith (‘The Maggie’)


Salsette, SS

Serrana, SS

Sidon, HMS

St. Dunstan

Sunderland Flying Boat – G-AGKY

Sunderland Flying Boat – ML883

Sunderland Flying Boat – PP118

The Clan Macvey

The Pin Wreck

U-1195, Submarine (U-Boat)

Unidentified Flying Boat

Valentine Tanks

War Knight, SS

Warwick Deeping, HMS